Dr. Lisa Filippi

Filippi, L. and Nomakuchi, S. (2016) Kleptoparasitism as an alternative tactic to provisioning in a maternal bug. Behavioral ecology, 27, 1710-1715.
Inadomi, K., Wakiyama, M., Hironaka, M., Mukai, H., Filippi, L., Nomakuchi, S. (2014) Post-ovipositional maternal care in the burrower bug, Adomerus rotundus (Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Canadian Entomologist, 146, 211-218.
Nomakuchi, S., Yanagi, T., Baba, N., Takahiro, A., Hironaka, M., Filippi, L. (2012). Provisioning call by mothers of a subsocial shield bug. Journal of Zoology, 288, 50-56.
Filippi, L., Hironaka, M., Nomakuchi, S. (2012). Individual variation in trophic egg production: Evidence for maternal manipulation in response to resource and competition levels, Ethology, 118, 503-510.
Mukai, H.,Hironaka, M., Baba, N., Yanaki, T., Inadomi, K., Filippi, L, Nomakuchi, S. (2010). A report of maternal care behavior in Adomerus variegates (Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Canadian Entomologist, 142, 52-56.
Filippi, L., Baba, N., Inadomi, K., Hironaka, M., Nomakuchi, S. (2009). Pre- and post-hatch trophic egg production in the subsocial burrower Canthophorus niviemarginatus (Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Naturwissenschaften, 96 (2), 201-211.
Hironaka, M., Filippi, L., Nomakuchi, S., Hariyama, T. (2008). Guarding behaviour against
intraspecific kleptoparasites in the subsocial shieldbug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Parastrachiidae). Behaviour, 145, 815-827.
Hironaka, M., Inadomi, K., Nomakuchi, S., Filippi, L., Hariyama, T. (2007). Canopy compass in nocturnal homing of the subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Parastrachiidae). Naturwissenschaften, 95, 343-346.
Hironaka, M., Filippi, L., Nomakuchi, S., Horiguchi, H. & Hariyama, T. (2007). Hierarchical
utilization of chemical marking and path integration in the homing trip of a subsocial shield bug. Animal Behaviour 73, 739-745.
Hironaka, M., Tojo, S.,Nomakuchi, S., Filippi, L. & Hariyama, T. (2007). Round-the-clock homing behavior of a subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Parastrachiidae) using path integration. Zoological Science 24, 535-541.
Tojo, S., Nagase, Y. and Filippi, L. (2005). Reduction of respiration rates by forming aggregations in the diapausing adults of the shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis. Journal of Insect Physiology. 51, 1075-1082.
Hironaka, M., Nomakuchi, S., Iwakuma, S. and Filippi, L. (2005). Trophic egg production in a subsocial shield bug. Ethology 111: 1089-1102.
Filippi, L., Hironaka, M., and Nomakuchi, S. (2005). Kleptoparasitism and the effect of nest
location in a subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Parastrachiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98, 134-142.
Nomakuchi, S., Filippi, L., Iwakuma, S. and Hironaka, M. (2005). Variation in the start of nest
abandonment in a subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Parastrachiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98,143-149.
Hironaka, M., Nomakuchi, S., Filippi, L., Tojo, H., Horiguchi, H. and Hariyama, T. (2003). The directional homing behavior of the subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) under different photic conditions. Zoological Science 20, 423-428.
Hironaka, M., Horiguchi, H., Filippi, L., Nomakuchi, S., Tojo, S. and Hariyama, T. (2003). Changes over time in homing navigation of the subsocial bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) (Insect New Series 6: 1-8. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Filippi, L., Hironaka, M. and Nomakuchi, S. (2002). Risk-sensitive decisions during nesting may increase maternal provisioning capacity in the subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis Ecological Entomology 27, 152-162.
Nomakuchi, S., Filippi, L. & Hironaka, M. (2001). Nymphal occurrence pattern and predation risk in the subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 36, 209-212.
Filippi, L., Hironaka, M. & Nomakuchi, S. (2001). Review of the ecological parameters (Hemiptera: Cydnidae), a semelparous species that feeds on a poor resource. Population Ecology 43, 41-50.
Filippi, L., Hironaka, M., Nomakuchi, S. & Tojo, S. (2000). Provisioned Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) nymphs gain access to food and protection from predators. Animal Behaviour 60, 757-763.
Filippi, L., Nomakuchi, S., Hironaka, M. & Tojo, S. (2000). Insemination success discrepancy
Between long-term and short-term copulations in the provisioning shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Journal of Ethology. 18, 29-36.
Nomakuchi, S., Filippi, L. & Tojo, S. (1998). Selective foraging behavior in nest-provisioning females of Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae): cues for preferred food. Journal of Insect Behavior. 11, 605-619.
Filippi-Tsukamoto, L., Nomakuchi, S. & Tojo, S. (1995). Habitat selection, distribution and
abundance of Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) and its host tree. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88, 456-464.
Filippi-Tsukamoto, L., Nomakuchi, S., Kuki, K. & Tojo, S. (1995). Adaptiveness of parental care in Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88, 374-383.
Tsukamoto, L., Kuki, K. & Tojo, S. (1994). Mating tactics and constraints in the gregarious shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 87, 962-971.
Tsukamoto, L. & Tojo, S. (1992). A report of progressive provisioning in a stink bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Journal of Ethology 10, 21-29.
Filippi, L. & Price, R.W. (1982). Interferon protects neurons in cultures infected with Vesicular stomatitis and Herpes Simplex viruses. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 56, 115-128.